The recipe to getting hooked on golf.

Look at his happy little face, even after losing his favourite first ball.

Hello, golf friends!

I wanted to share a wonderful memory with you – the day I introduced my sister's fiancé, Tim, to golf and completely turned him into a golf enthusiast in just one day. I was truly amazed by Tim's reactions throughout the round of golf. At various points, he spontaneously say, "I'm having such a great time," "I never expected to enjoy this so much," and "What an incredible experience!" Mission accomplished!

To give you some context, Tim isn't into sports, doesn't follow golf, and prefers computer games. His only prior golf experience was trying to hit golf balls on a cruise, which he didn't particularly enjoy. He struggled to make good contact with the ball and even joked about almost hitting spectators on that cruise.

With this in mind, I was determined to change his perception of golf. So, I decided to take him to Hobbs Cross Golf Club, a good little golf course with a well-maintained par 3 course. There were no booking requirements, no strict dress code, and affordable equipment rental. Hobbs Cross caters to the more budget-friendly side of golfing, but it offers a range of facilities, including a driving range, a chipping green, and a putting green.

We made use of all these facilities and gave Tim a crash course in golf. As experienced golfers, we understand that golf involves various aspects, so we started with putting, then moved on to chipping, and finally practiced full shots at the driving range. With a bit of guidance and some work on the fundamentals, it didn't take Tim long to achieve that satisfying strike that sent the ball soaring through the air.

I believe that it was the combination of experiencing all these aspects of golf in a friendly and encouraging environment that got Tim hooked. People tend to enjoy activities they feel competent in; if something is too difficult, they often give up before really giving it a chance. This experience taught me that a little encouragement and some hand-holding can be the recipe for introducing more people to the joys of golf!


How hard is golf for beginners?