Getting my friends into Golf
Hey there, urban golfers! It's Ching, back again with my golfing adventures.
As many of you probably already know, I'm a golf addict. I won't claim to be particularly skilled at it, but there's an undeniable passion that keeps me swinging until my wrists and elbows practically give out. Although I must admit, it might not be the wisest approach for my long-term golfing longevity.
What sets me apart, though, is my unwavering mission to recruit everyone I know into the wonderful world of golf. Whether it's family, friends, coworkers, or even total strangers, I'm on a bit of a personal mission to expand the golfing community. Self-serving? Perhaps. But it's all about sharing the joy of this sport with more and more people. Currently, my recruit count stands at a modest four – my wife, my brother, and two close friends. But my ambitious goal is to reach a million! Right now, it mostly involves me playing the role of golfing guide, patiently introducing them to the game.
Now, take a look at the picture above, featuring my dear brother. You'll quickly realize that new golfers often come with some rather peculiar and entertaining preconceptions about how golf should be played. I'd hate to see them crucified for being fresh and unaware of all the intricate rules and golfing etiquette. I mean, sure, golf is a sport, and I did have to gently nudge my brother towards dressing a tad more appropriately than what you see in the photo.
But here's the crux of the matter: Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were a haven for these newcomers to fuel their golfing addiction in a relaxed and welcoming environment? The goal is to help them become skilled enough that we're no longer worried about slowing down the pace of play while also savoring the sheer beauty of the golf course.